Accountancy practice CRM 2.0
With our recent round of exciting enhancements, Nomi CRM could be the first true CRM system for accountancy and bookkeeping firms – designed for practice, boasting full-depth functionality and with native suite integration.
With Nomi you now have end-to-end client onboarding. That means prospecting for new clients, value pricing, AML ID checks, Company Secretarial and engagement. Then straight into the compliance work and task/deadline management from the same client record.
Finding and securing new clients can be a daunting process if you are only just starting up your practice. It may be all new to you and you may have a hundred other things to think about. But it’s equally the case if the initial passive growth has plateaued in your established practice and you are stepping up a gear.
There is no substitute for the gratification of acquiring clients through recommendation, but to maintain growth beyond a certain point you need to streamline your process for efficiency and throughput and maybe be a little more active. That’s where systemisation comes in.
What about value pricing?
A key challenge for an existing firm wishing to move to a value-pricing or fixed fee model, is understanding the current data on which you can build your process. We’ve recently added a new report to help with this.
You’re able to see turnover, the number of transactions, payslips processed, the number of pensions, P11Ds produced, and the number of subcontractors serviced for any time period across your entire client base. It’s exportable to Excel, allowing you to perform further analysis or build it into a pricing matrix to adjust agreed fees accordingly.
How can Nomi help protect your profitability?
One of the common traps for a growing firm, is agreeing a fee based on a scaling level of client activity but then not getting round to checking whether that level has risen since first engagement. The result can be that you have been doing more and more work but not getting paid in line with the very tariff you spent so much effort constructing and agreeing with your clients.
To help with this, in the next phase of development, we’ll be linking the values from the report directly into your CRM to connect with your value-pricing matrix and quote system. This will allow us to notify you exactly when a client’s account exceeds a certain pricing driver threshold. For example, that might be the number of bookkeeping transactions or payslips processed in a single month.
So what’s the difference between CRM and PM?
Most consider CRM, or Customer/Client Relationship Management to be focused on the search for new clients, pitching and quoting your services, carrying out the necessary compliance checks and engaging them contractually.
Practice Management, is more about managing those clients once on board and tracking tasks and compliance work to ensure all deadlines are met, both internally and for regulatory filings.
With Nomi you have both. More than that, whilst our CRM package is an option within the suite, our Practice Management functionality is entirely built in to the other modules.
It’s the first thing you see when you log in – a summary of your clients, the state of all deadlines and a bank of important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). That unified view of the practice is the single most common ‘wow’ for practitioners looking at Nomi for the first time. The second one, is the fact you can drill down with a click to see the granular detail and start the actual associated work. You don’t have to go anywhere else, log in to a different system, or switch to a different interface.
As ever, we’d love to show you all this in action and discuss what it could deliver for your practice, whether that is online or at one of the various exhibitions and events we’ll be attending over coming weeks.
Want to find out more?
Register for a free 30-days trial or book a 1:1 demo and see how Nomi's cloud-based accounting software could help you grow your practice, become more profitable and manage your staff.
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